
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Text Post. Nothing Special.


... that I'm absolutely failing at. I can't believe it's already been two months since my last update here. It sure doesn't seem like it's been that long but I've been staying pretty busy so time is flying by quickly. I would like to try to get back to regularly posting here but can't promise how often I'll be able to access internet time considering we are at the peak moment of this moving game. As of now we have the house listed online for sale and will be showing it this weekend. I have been completely stressed out to the max! I'm trying to stay positive because in no way did I expect this to be easy (considering how much stuff we have to move) but it seems like life in general has been biting me hard recently. Dealt with a bit of health issues in May & June so that's been adding to my stress a lot but it appears to be behind me now so no need to worry. Luckily, I've been able to escape reality every now and then by riding coasters. I'm so glad I've discovered them. I finally found something I'm passionate about that brings me so much joy. It's like going on mini vacations.

Alongside the craziness that life seems to be hitting me with, I haven't really been able to work on my photography or take many selfies so I apologize for yet another boring text entry. I do have quite a few on-ride pics from Cedar Point which I will be putting up in the future when I can weed out the bad ones.

OMG I'm going to be 20 freakin' 7 in three months
HOLY MOLY what is air?

This news is actually pretty frightening to me as I will be on the final 3 year journey to my 30's. Maybe I should do a "101 in 1096" bucket list to accomplish before I'm 30. Usually it's "101 in 1001", but according to my calculations 1096 is the number of days for the last three years of my 20's. #BigNerdEnergy

Speaking of goals: I still have plans to start a YouTube channel. I know it's long overdue as I have been claiming I would start one for a while now but I just feel so uninspired on social media nowadays. Besides blogging, there isn't a site/app that really "speaks out" to me. I feel like everyone is just out to compete against each other and see who can get the most likes/views. I wish there was a site (again, besides my blog) where you could just create art and content without trying to be "popular". That's in no way shape or form what I will be trying to accomplish when I do start a YouTube channel. I would just love to be myself and try to make some friends, strike up conversation, share my geek theories, make people laugh and possibly create some artistic short films. —Fun fact: when YouTube was in it's early days (I was like 15) I made a little artistic black & white cologne commercial (obviously it wasn't a real cologne) called "Whisper" by Nathan George. Oh goodness, I wish I still had the video... I think it got lost when my laptop crashed years ago.

Ok well I'm ranting so I guess I'll just leave it here.

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