
Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Spooky SZN

Well September managed to fly by.
It's October already?

For the majority of September, I was in a bizarre uninspired antisocial OCD type of mood. Every time I would try to do something I would just feel angry that it wasn't perfect. It was a very odd mood to be in and I'm glad that it finally passed. We did have a few house showings but besides those I decided to take the month to unplug and recuperate from the overall hectic summer it's been for me (most of which I never even documented about). I barely even checked my phone for the entire month. Just felt very antisocial and wanted to have some quality me time playing games. I apologize to the friends that did try to reach out to me... a moment for myself to catch a breath and to take a break from all social interaction was much needed.

Except for on the 15th when I went to Cedar Point with Robert which was a hella good time indeed. I will probably make a separate post about it later on when I can go through the photos.

A few days ago we were sadly informed that Vortex at Kings Island will be shutting down for good. It reached the end of it's service life and I am deeply troubled by this since I only got to ride it for the first time this year. 5 rides in total when I went to KI in May and it became my favorite Arrow coaster (even out of the ones at CP). It's sad to think that I'll never get to ride it a 6th time but I guess I have to be grateful that I got to at all.

RIP Vortex


I'm pretty sure the girl behind us in this photo was the one that shouted "MY PHONE'S GOING UP MY VAGINAAAAA" which then leads me to this question: could you use it to stash something if necessary? and how would it be journeying into beyond if it wasn't already tucked away in said close quarters? Hmmm...


This month I have quite a few ideas up my sleeve which I definitely want to push myself into completing. October is my favorite month of the year and I always feel so inspired and creative with photos and other miscellaneous projects. I started to make the 101 in 1096* (before I'm 30) bucket list that I said I wanted to do but finally decided to just scrap the idea. It's probably best to not make a lot of expectations that I could possibly end up getting disappointed over, so instead I created a small private list of some of the more practical and higher priority ones.

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