
Sunday, December 01, 2019

Not a Fun Task

Hello journal world. What is up?

It's been a minute since my last status report. Unfortunately, we did not sell the house yet but we decided to take it off the market for the rest of the year / winter season since we felt like moving in the snow and cold wouldn't be a fun task. The lady who was interested (in my last update) made us an offer that didn't meet our asking price and we decided to decline. So it's back to square 1. We will be dealing with all this stuff again next spring but whatever... at least I get a few months to breathe. Next year I will try to keep my updates about moving to a minimum... I don't want my blog to become a "How NOT to Move" instruction manual, which is exactly how my whole summer turned out to be.

A few months ago I talked about how my phone's charging port had given up on life and getting it to charge was pretty much a daunting activity. Well... I went ahead and decided to try to fix it myself and ultimately failed fml. I completely broke it. I shattered the screen trying to take it off but I believe it also somehow damaged the motherboard because the computer won't even recognize it, nor will it even turn on. Thankfully, I had the more important things (like photos, videos, etc.) on the SD card so I didn't completely lose everything but it's still a major shame nonetheless. It was only a couple years old and still had life in it (technology lifespan speaking). My fundages aren't very handsome as of right now but I already have plans to get one of the same model once I can get the opportunity. Until then, I am using my old phone. It makes me cringe but I basically do everything from my computer anyway. R.I.P. little friend.

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