
Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Hella Good Times As Usual


Dang it... not again. Every time I leave for long periods of time, my brain becomes completely fizzled out to the point where I don't know how to start posting again.

Where Do I Start Syndrome.

So far this year has been very kind to me and I have a lot to catch you up on. I'll probably have to make individual sections for the previous days that I would like add. Anyway, I'm doing great. Been keeping busy by spending time at Mason's every weekend (and our occasional adventures), playing a lot of Fortnite (and enjoying my PS5 in general), regular visits to my sister's (it's super awesome to live 20 minutes away from her now) and going to Tiffin to do our weekly shopping. It's been about 8 months since we've moved in but it still all feels super surreal to me. This is the first springtime that we've been here and we're starting to notice that the previous owners must have loved their flowers cause there's so many blooming around our house right now. I even got white roses growing under my window. Fabulous.

We've also got a tiny carpenter bee problem but it's nothing that a few games of Bee Badminten can't fix.


Me and Mason started it off at Cedar Point on the 21st and it was a hella good time as usual. We took Jimmy John's for lunch and got about 8 rides in total, which isn't bad at all for the 2nd weekend of opening. He splurged on a FunPix pass this year but no booths were open the day we went (limited staffing is normal for this early in the season) so we didn't get any on-ride photos as of yet. But the actual ride staffing was great... Gemini was running both trains (Go Blue Team!) and the longest line of the day for us was only a 30 minute wait. We actually ended up leaving early because we felt satisfied of what we accomplished in such a short amount of time. Not a bad first visit of the season if you ask me.

Our next coaster excursion is to Kings Island on June 10th.
WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP! *Twirly arms*  —Yup, we planned a 3 day trip to KI... booked a hotel for two nights and gonna visit the park twice. I am beyond excited and totally eager to get back there.

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